Loewe Gate Dual Bags Handbags White Printing Calfskin Canvas Chamois Cowhide Casual
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*𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘪 𝘎𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘋𝘶𝘢𝘭 Saddle Handbag
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Size: 15*12.5*9cm (the widest part in the middle is 21cm)
Coding: 522127
Color: Webbing\/Full Wheat spelled in white
Replace the original thin shoulder straps with wider canvas shoulder straps with a stronger sense of presence, embellished with logo printing, full of casual and sexy style!
The body of the bag is made of very flexible and smooth calfskin, with a suede lining and two built-in card slots, Puls🉑️ worry-free.
The classic style handbag has been replaced with a new shoulder strap. It is estimated that many bag lovers will lose their resistance👏🏻
Brands: Loewe, Loewe Gate Dual
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The replica bags is cool! The quality is good, delivered quickly. Take it!!
Thank you to the seller, I liked the replica loewe bags
The replica bags came for 2 weeks, fully corresponds to the description. well packed
Beautiful fake loewe bags, roomy. sewn perfectly. I recommend.
replica bags very good quality, This is in this second purchased. Well done
Very nice cheap bags. Made very high quality. The seller sent for a long time, but the parcel came in 2 weeks in Voronezh. I recommend to buy 🙂